
时间:2021-09-03 点击数量:


   Party Construction and League Activities

 The general Party branch of College of International Education is composed of 3 Party branches, with 49 full members, 16 probationary members, and 5 members of the general Party branch. Since its establishment, the general Party branch has always stressed the leading role of Party construction in promoting teaching, research, and management, managed a practical implementation of the basic task of “strengthen moral education of students”, played the role of political guidance and battle fortress in educating and managing Party members, as well as in uniting and serving teachers and students, and endeavored to improve the quality of Party construction and enhance the cohesiveness and fighting capacity of primary Party organizations, hence providing a strong organization and discipline guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of the college.  



  For years in succession, College of International Education is a winner of “Excellence” in terms of employment rate of graduates, which keeps at 95% or above. On many occasions, students of this college reaped the honor of special-class or first-class prize at either state-level or municipality-level competitions. The volunteer service delivered by the students met with extensive approval and praise and the achievements of social practice are fruitful. Hundreds of students were dispatched as service volunteers to Smart China Expo, China-Singapore Financial Summit, and other grand-scale events or conventions, which rewarded them with the honors of “Chongqing Outstanding Service Volunteer Group” and “Chongqing Colorful-Holiday Service Volunteer Group”. Up to now, the college has successfully incubated dozens of prize-winninginnovation andentrepreneurshipprojects, 2 of which claimed a state-level third-class prize and 3 of which won a municipality-level first-class prize.  Meanwhile, aesthetic education and labor education are diverse in form andbrilliant indeed, to name just a few of the impressive activitieslike “Respect Teachers and Value Education” , “Learn from the Great” , “Rise Early for Morning Reading”, and the English corner named “Random Talk in English”.